
If you are in school year 6 or under, the children’s ministry team are there to help you explore faith in a fun way on a Sunday morning.


On most Sundays we are part of family worship with the adults and then we have our own time of teaching and fun.

Yellow Team

For under 3’s

We have a family room available most Sundays with easy access to, or a live feed from, the main service. The family room has space to connect with other families in the church and an area with toys and refreshments for you and your children to enjoy.

Red Team

From 3 - Reception Year

Red Team is a fun, safe, and secure place to explore bible stories through active play, craft and games. Drink and biscuit time is also great for sharing news and making new friends.

Blue Team

School Years 1 - 3

Blue Team is a lively place where children learn to study the bible and build good friendships with the other children and adult leaders. There are always lots of games and activities so it is a fun place to be each Sunday morning.

Green Team

School Years 4 - 6

So many questions to explore? Green Team is the place to find out more and grow in faith as you explore everyday issues from a biblical perspective. Showing that God loves you passionately.